MECP Posts Proposed Updates to the Flare Modelling Technical Bulletin - EBR # 019-2761

The Ministry of the Environment, Conservation and Parks is proposing to update the Flare Modelling Technical Bulletin (Flare TB)  under the Ontario’s local air quality regulation (O. Reg. 419/05: Air Pollution – Local Air Quality) to include a new approach to modelling a phenomenon known as stack tip/flame downwash which can occur under certain flare operating conditions.

As outlined in our Made-in-Ontario Environment Plan, the ministry is committed to protecting Ontario’s air quality by ensuring we have strong environmental standards and air quality standards. This new approach, known as the momentum flux ratio approach, would allow regulated facilities to better account for the unique properties and behavior of flares based on a thorough review of the latest peer review science on flare behaviour.  

The proposed updates have been posted to the Environmental Registry of Ontario ( for a 45-day public consultation period, which will close April 26, 2021.  We invite feedback and input from the public, Indigenous communities and stakeholders across the province on these proposed updates, so that we can continue to protect Ontario’s air for future generations.